User News

Cleaner Look, Stronger Security

John Dillard
August 27, 2018

We've implemented a couple of design changes to make ThreatSwitch easier-than-ever to use. You'll notice that a slew of small changes that should add up to make navigating in ThreatSwitch a more enjoyable experience.

We've also upgraded our password requirements to meet the latest NIST guidelines. 


In this release, you'll find

  • Removed the sometimes confusing CAGE code field from reports
  • New password restrictions and new user password configuration flows
  • Redesigned page headers and rearranged button locations
  • Condensed tables which allow you to view more information on a single screen
  • Relocated logout button and my profile button to left side navigation menu
  • A bunch of other little fixes that add up to a more pleasant experience for you

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