User News

Major ThreatSwitch Update - PerSec, Contracts, Navigation, Bug Fixes v2

John Dillard
June 2, 2017


We are excited to share a major new update of ThreatSwitch that rolled out to all customers on Monday, May 23rd. There are many fixes and tweaks in this update to your favorite NISPOM tool so we wanted to highlight a few of the biggest changes below.

Most of all, we continue to deliver on the "big idea" that drives us: making NISPOM compliance easier for the FSO, more pleasant for the employee, and more effective and efficient for the executive.

Personnel Security Management

Threatswitch now includes a comprehensive Personnel Security module allowing FSOs to track and manage contracts, facilities, eligibilities and security clearances. This entirely new set of features includes deeper employee profiles, tracking and managing employee eligibility, employee accesses associated with cleared contracts, and document upload and tracking for each and every cleared employee in your company. The bullets below provide a quick list, but please click here for a detailed support article that walks through the screens.

Detailed Employee Profiles

  • Manage People - Summary view of employees listing contracts and accesses
  • Personal Details - Capture and save employee details including date of birth, place of birth, social, etc.
  • Contact Details - Employee address, phone number
  • Emergency Contact Details - Name, relations, phone
  • Passport Details - Passport ID, issue date and expiration

Employee Eligibility and Polygraphs

  • Eligibility Details permit saving eligibility levels and investigation details including investigation type, date and reinvestigation date
  • Polygraph histories are stored with completion date, type, agency, status and upcoming deadlines for renewal

Employee Accesses

  • Access details permit adding and editing accesses
  • Each access may be associated with a specific cleared contract number
  • Contract assignments auto-populate details pertinent details including facility and CAGE code

Employee Documents

  • FSOs may now upload documents pertaining to a specific employee
  • Documents may be edited or deleted from the employee record

Contract Management

  • FSOs may now add cleared contracts to their ThreatSwitch account with basic information including the number, name, facility, and CAGE
  • Contracts may be associated with each employee access to maintain compliance with DSS rules

Navigation Improvements

  • The first phase of a new, cleaner menu and user interface is included in this update
  • The main menu has been restructured, including easier-to-understand labels, removal of Inspection (pending more information from DSS on pending SVA changes), and the addition of "Manage People" and "Contracts" menu items

Bug Fixes

  • Dashboard completion dials show completion status in the system defined as number of reports inspected and reviewed with comments
  • Bug with training completion percentage is now fixed
  • Fixed issue with password reset emails not sending
  • Throughout the application, changed "incidents" to "reportable information" to make the reporting more employee-friendly
  • Many, many minor bug fixes are included in this release. Users should expect to experience a faster application with more stability across all modules.

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