User News

ThreatSwitch Update! Exports, Facility Assignment, and Minor Improvements

John Dillard
January 1, 2018

With a new year comes new improvements here at ThreatSwitch. We have a few brand new features that you should try right away. Specifically, we have added a new export feature that lets you generate a spreadsheet file from your ThreatSwitch data. In addition, you can now assign users to specific, or multiple CAGE codes. Finally, we've made a few improvements and bug fixes. Keep reading for the details!



New Features: Exports and CAGE code assignments

Exports are now available on following screens:

  • People - a list of all users in an organization
  • Reportable Information - a list of all reports, within a specific date range
  • Training Status - a list of all trainings and the level of execution within the organization, within a specific date range
  • Assign Training - a list of training assignments and the completion rate of those trainings withing a specific date range
  • Individual Training Status - the completion status of each individual assigned to the selected report within a specific date range

To access the exports, just click on the "Create Report" link was at the top of the page.

Facility assignment is now easier at the user level.

This feature can be found under each user's profile, under "Assigned Facilities". This allows FSOs to manage their employees at a CAGE level, setting the ground to allowing us more granular management of training, incident reporting, etc.

Improvements: Roles, Training Files, and Date Pickers

  1. New roles were added to the system: In addition to "Administrator" and "Employee", users can now be designated "Security Manager" and "Assistant Security Manager"
  2. Files associated with Training no longer expire; once a user opens a training screen, files are accessible as needed
  3. An Improved Date picker is now available on all relevant pages

Bug Fixes

  • Washington D.C. now appears in state dropdowns
  • Defects related to Accesses management per user were addressed
  • Defects related to Contract management were addressed

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